Well, I went back to work today but it was a struggle. Without the TMI, suffice to say, the stone has passed. Let's just hope it doesn't have friends. I thought I knew pain before, but I had no freakin' idea. These last 24 hours have been ROUGH! No meds really cut it and I know I probably should have gone to the hospital, but I really can't stand hospitals and the mere thought of it was stressing me out more. At least one thing about living alone is that no one sees the pain so I can pretend all is fine. Guess it's a double edged sword though.
Today I went to work but pretty much felt like a Clydesdale kicked me repeatedly in the back and gut. I walked like I was about 140 years old but I was there. I worked and tried to get my mind off things by keeping busy. A couple people were sweet and asked about me and seemed like they geniunely cared. Bless them.
I'm feeling fairly stressed about my Xmas shopping again, but my parents have been so sweet and did some running around for me today. I still have a mall trip coming but certainly wasn't able to go last night, nor tonight. There's still time, I guess...I just hate leaving things last minute.
So tonight I stopped at Blockbusters and bought the extended version of Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King. If a little bit of Aragorn-watching can't lift my mood, I don't know what can.

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.

Trucker Bob
Monica's Thoughts
John The Mad
The High Places
West Coast Chaos
American Soldier
Then Some!
An Audience of One
Cool Single Mom
The Deployment Diary
Michael Yon
Absent Canadian
Marinade Dave
Army Wife Toddler Mom
Soldier's Mom
Policeman's Blog
Girl On The Right
Trucker Bob
Monica's Thoughts
John The Mad
The High Places
West Coast Chaos
American Soldier
Then Some!
An Audience of One
Cool Single Mom
The Deployment Diary
Michael Yon
Absent Canadian
Marinade Dave
Army Wife Toddler Mom
Soldier's Mom
Policeman's Blog
Girl On The Right

CBC Canada
South African news
World News
The Globe and Mail
Vancouver news
CTV Canadian News
Richmond Review
Television without Pity
Funny TV Ads
Drudge Report
Iraq Coalition Casualties
South African news
World News
The Globe and Mail
Vancouver news
CTV Canadian News
Richmond Review
Television without Pity
Funny TV Ads
Drudge Report
Iraq Coalition Casualties