Yo ho ho! I live in a fishing village so the playground is made up of a lot of old fishing relics. Not sure this one is authentic, but Ms. Thang sure loved it.

I cannot wait to show his girlfriends this picture when he's 16!

A day at the fair resulted in a $5.00 facepainting that was promptly washed partially off in the water fountain. Even still, it was very becoming!

We told Hayley it is always important to sit like a lady when entertaining. We even had her drinking her juice with her little pinky raised.
It was a fantastic but entirely exhausting weekend. 3 year olds and 7 months old babes have a LOT of energy and their poor Aunt was a little ragged last night.
Of course, waking up this morning and finding a beautiful diagram in crayon on my hardwood floor was a bit of surprise. I smiled. They're young for such a short time, and I thought it was very special that she thought to give me this little gift, and I was almost sad to have to scrub it off tonight.