September 29, 2005
by writing. I started that course last week in memoir writing. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but lacked the confidence to do it.

I have been consumed in this last week. I can't stop writing. A Pandora's Box of stories. Plots. Memories. Words. Anything and everything.

I often wondered how people start writing. How they begin to make sense of the flurry of words and thoughts that run through their brains. And then I hesitate. Am I really good enough to write something someone would actually read?

I have some very good friends who are professional writers. Incredibly talented people who can put words together with such beauty, it amazes me. One friend of mine writes a column for a paper in Utah. I have travelled with her when she sees something, and quickly starts a story. Within minutes, a column is born and her deadlines met. Without even breaking a sweat. Or so it seems.

So back to that intimidation factor. I want to write. I would love for it to be professionally, but I have lot to learn. How does one begin?

This week, I ate up the first three chapters of my course. I have spent nearly $150 on books from Amazon. I have read and re-read every supplemental reading material the instructor has offered. I put pen to paper, and fingers to keyboard and have written pages and pages of random musings as they pop into my head. Sometimes, it's just a word. Other times, it's a pararaph or two, or even a page.

I found it was as if a door in my imagination opened. I couldn't stop. Fast and furious. Sometimes clear and coherent, others just all over the place. Memories. Stories. Everything came flashing back through my head. I have found as I lay down at night, it becomes even more intense. My notebook has become my constant companion.

In the vein of pushing myself, I have developed a few goals for the next few months. I must complete this course to my own satisfaction (and trust me when I say I have high standards for myself). I must write a few short stories that I would be proud enough to show someone. I must learn more about what it takes to become more accomplished.

And, if - big IF I am still as into things as I am feeling now by Christmas, I will enroll myself in a Writer's Conference in nearby Washington State.

I know I have much, much to learn and I am only in the infancy of this adventure. But I do know one thing. It feels so good to write.

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.
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