February 21, 2005
Old stories
When my grandmother was in Ireland, training to be a nurse, she received this letter from her Mom. It's always been something that I've treasured. Reading it gives a glimpse into a family sadness in a much different time. This happened in 1918, when my Nan was 16. I have transcribed it below, along with all spelling and grammatical errors intact.

No 2. Lowfield
Balderton (Newark, Nottingham, UK)

My dear girl,

It is with much deepest regret I now sit down to rite these sad lines to you hoping it finds you & all quite well as it leaves us as well as can be expected. I am so poorly myself but I have been awful upset with loosing my dear little Charlie. he was All the World to me but Bless him his time had come. What made things worse Dr Hine had gone away on his holidays & we have

[upper corner] Will rite again to morrow XXXXXXX

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.

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