All serious daring starts from within. - Eudora Welty
Last month, IndyTeresa wrote about buying a book called You Can Do It! It's the brainchild of Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, who was tragically killed on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001.
The concept is simple. Remember those Brownie and Guide Badges you worked towards when you were a little girl? Why not do it again? Why not work toward merit badges for grown-up girls? And this time, you won't have that mean little girl in your group that kicked your shins whenever the Brown Owl wasn't looking...or maybe that was just me.
I thought it sounded like a fantastic idea. The satisfaction you feel from setting a goal, working towards it and actually obtaining it can be immense. I used to be the person who said 'I wish I could to [...insert idea here...]' until one day I thought to myself 'What's stopping me?'
Since that epiphany, I have taught myself to create webpages, learn basic HTML, Photoshop and many other computer related tasks. Last year, I tried to teach myself how to sew, and well, that's a bit of work in progress but I will complete that by the end of the year. This fall, I'm working on writing short fiction stories and proper photography techniques.
Sometimes, pushing yourself brings you to places you never thought possible. It opens doors that you couldn't even see before, let alone imagine.
There are many badge ideas in this book to inspire and intimidate:
- Activism
- Getting Published
- Quilting
- Decorating
- Gardening
- Negotiating
- Cooking
- Breaking Bad Habits
It may be a fadd-ish idea on the surface, but there's a lot of promise. Often, it just takes that great little idea to build on something amazing.
Like the book says, Because it's high time your want-to-do list got as much attention as your to-do list.