I'm the kinda person that if you tell me not to do something, I'm gonna do it twice as much. It's a gift, or a curse, depending on where you're looking.
Todd gave me crap a few phonecalls ago because I went to one of those Support-The-Troops sites that send little care packages. He was right in one respect - for the $50USD it cost me, he received shockingly little. So I took that underwing and decided to do this on my own. Hence, the above little care package that will be winging it's way across the globe within the next few days. Besides, it's much better, because it's Canadian offerings. Educational even, with the French translations on the package.
Speaking of the NavyBoy, after a dry patch of no calls, we're now in a much different cycle. Daily calls. Must admit it's a good thing, even if he's managed to call me at the most inopportune moments (like in a changeroom at the mall, or paying for my groceries). But I'm not complaining.
Todd gave me crap a few phonecalls ago because I went to one of those Support-The-Troops sites that send little care packages. He was right in one respect - for the $50USD it cost me, he received shockingly little. So I took that underwing and decided to do this on my own. Hence, the above little care package that will be winging it's way across the globe within the next few days. Besides, it's much better, because it's Canadian offerings. Educational even, with the French translations on the package.
Speaking of the NavyBoy, after a dry patch of no calls, we're now in a much different cycle. Daily calls. Must admit it's a good thing, even if he's managed to call me at the most inopportune moments (like in a changeroom at the mall, or paying for my groceries). But I'm not complaining.