Last year, I took part in a 12-hour overnight Relay For Life, an international event for cancer research. At the time, I raised $1,200 personally and was very proud of what my team accomplished. Unfortunately, my health wasn't great then and it's not good enough now to do it this year, so I am putting out the word for someone who can.
Statistics show 1 in 3 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime. I have lost 8 close members of my family, and have had a couple close calls myself. There are very few people who don't know the evil that cancer can cause.
When I began blogging, I found Cav. She is currently battling lymphoma but does so with such valour and honesty. I love reading her stuff because of her blunt and humourous style. A friend of hers is doing a Relay in her honour, and has pledged to raise $3,900. She's more than half way there, but needs more help.

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The sad fact is that the cure will take a great deal of money and time. Much more money than our governments can provide.
And if that's not reason enough, hear it from the mouths of babes.
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