March 09, 2005
When bridges don't burn
It's been a job search kinda day today. I reworked my resume again, on the advice of ex-BossDude. It's a boss, he was an absolute ass to work for, but outside of work, the guy's got some decent points.

Ironically, he and his wife live on my street (moved there a few years after I did) but we never saw each other outside of work. His wife - who I might add sounds like Margaret from Bob&Margaret is an HR Recruiter. When I was made redundant, he offered for her to help but I was a little too annoyed at him to take him up on it. Finally last week, the anger had subsided enough so I passed along my draft CV. Last night, he called and invited me over for tea and a little advice session. Turns out she is a LOAD of fantastic information, and has even begun helping me in my possible contract work. Ideally, I would love to set up my consulting company but haven't an idea where to start. She had some great plans and ex-BossDude even had some contacts. I felt like I had a whole new lease on life and was extremely grateful I didn't burn any bridges when I left. BossDude is not a good people manager, but as a person, he's not too shabby of a person. It just took getting away from the whole manager/subordinate thing to get that realized.

All goes back to the fact that I was managing our department before he got there. I hated it. I am not a good people manager either, and at the time we had a lot of personnel issues that put me over my head and stressed me out more than I wanted. When the job was to become permanent, I declined stating I was much happier immersed in my numbers, analytics, technical writing and teaching. Having to referee personality mismatches was not my style. When BossDude arrived, he did so with a chip on his shoulder, not knowing how I would respond. While I tried to tell him I was having no issue with reporting to him, he never really accepted it. Thought that somehow I was harbouring ill will. I never did get through to him that I wasn't.

Anyway, in other news, I heard a very disturbing story from a friend tonight. Apparently, when RCMP formal funerals are performed, the widow will get a bill for the costs. She had heard of two such charges - one for $12,000 and another for $9,800. So not small change. I have no idea if it's true or even how I would find out, but distasteful all the same. I truly hope it's just an ugly rumour but I'll have to do some digging here (or if any of you know where to look, or research, let me know!).

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.
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