April 19, 2005
I just got off the phone. My days of couch surfing are over. Or at least for a few months!

The job I interviewed for last Friday panned out. I start Thursday as a Buyer on a 6 month contract for a company that manufacturers railroad tracks. Steel, it's all about the steel.

Ack. I have so much to do and how am I going to keep up blogging?

Seriously, though, it is right at the perfect time. I've been incredibly bored these past few days and have been obsessively cleaning, which is just not me at all.

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from cdnsue. Make your own badge here.

Steal this button and link to me!
Turning thirty and a half
  • July 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
  • April 2005
  • May 2005
  • June 2005
  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • January 2006

  • The WeatherPixie