I could wax poetic about how I feel we could be a much better country, and how I wish our parliament would do things differently, but there are other days for that. Today, I am just proud to be Canadian, and am thankful for all we have.
As my friend will be arriving soon and I will be busy entertaining, blogging will be light for the next few days so I will leave you with a slightly early wish for a fantastic long weekend, and a
Our patriotism may have been ignited by a beer commercial, but hey, I'll take it!

Imagine having to wear that bear suit, along with the woolen uniform on a
hot summer day. That is a hero!
hot summer day. That is a hero!

My Mom and her sisters showing our true and patriot love. I was wearing the flag as a cape that night as well.

What is this day, you ask? Well, up until 1982, July 1 was celebrated as Dominion Day - but as our link to the British monarchy was diminshed it was renamed Canada Day. It's our day to be patriotic, to appreciate our wonderful country and reflect on where we have come and where we are going. It's also a day for barbeques, parades and general summer festivities. Much like the American Independence Day.
So on Friday, I will be on the curb watching the parade, taking pictures and then it's off for a salmon barbeque at the fair, baseball watchin' and spectating of some belt-sander races. After that, the barbeque's at my place, followed by some brews outside on the patio at the local pub listening to bands in the summer breeze.