September 18, 2005
What country are you?

You're Bosnia-Herzegovina!

You've just been through a big tragedy. You weren't sure you were
going to make it at all. Now that you have, there's a lot to pick back up in your life,and not enough people are helping you. You just wanted a little more freedom, a chance to be away from those who thought poorly of you. Now it's time to build up some confidence, and it looks like you have a good chance at that. But you'll need a lot of therapy.

Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.

Steal this button and link to me!
Turning thirty and a half
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  • The WeatherPixie