Today, the Red Ensign Standard flies over at the Raging Kraut's place.
Along with a great little story about visiting the Red Ensign flag that is honoured in a museum close to his home, he also mentions what our group means to him:
We've had debates on who and what we are as a group -- I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say that we have a pretty diverse cross-section
of opinion: Conservatives, some (one?) Liberals and Socialists, Libertarians, Anarchists (maybe, I have my suspicions), Aging Boomers (Hippies!), New Wavers,
Epicureans, Grouchy Old Men, Snot-Nosed Punks, Tasteless Culture Vultures, the over-educated and the under-employed...it's a "big tent."The overwhelming consensus of this group is that they believe in freedom, individuality, and above all, truth.
I have found myself over the past few months of being a Red Ensign Blogger that we have a great group of very intelligent people and I am definitely honoured to be apart of them. Their posts keep me keenly aware of the important events of my country and allow me to expand on what is truly important to me. We are going through a great deal of turmoil in Canada these days. Whether we end up sticking our heads in the sand waiting for it all to calm down or we stand screaming at the top of our lungs demanding change, the point is our country is changing and we are at a crossroads. I know this group allows me to not just wish for a better Canada but actively feel like it is possible. If our 60-odd number of bloggers are out there, then there are many more of us that don't blog but feel the same. That is what makes me optimistic for our future.