November 29, 2004
Neck wringing!
I am so furious at Shannon and her dad, for that matter, I could spit blood!

On Friday, Shannon was diagnosed as having gestational diabetes. She's not a small girl, by any means, but it was still a surprise to find this out. When she was pregnant with Hayley, it was text book. No problems at all, and labour for only 2 hours. Of course, at the time, with living conditions how they were, she also didn't have a doctor. She basically showed up at the hospital in labour and went from there, so she was extremely fortunate that there were no concerns.

This one has not been quite as easy. She's carrying heavy and low. It's giving her a lot of back pain and leg swelling. Getting Shan into a doctor is like drawing blood from a stone. But she has been going, mostly at the insistence of her Mom and I. The last month or so, she has been feeling really poor. Headaches, backaches, etc. but will not go to the doctor outside her regular monthly appointment. And even then, if she's not feeling something at that exact moment, won't think to bring it up.

Last week she finally took the gestational diabetes blood test. She should have had it at 28 weeks, but delayed until 33 weeks. Well, the test came back positive. So she was into the doctor on Friday and was booked for a long consult at the hospital this morning. Over the weekend, she had a 'false labour' episode. For about an hour and a half, she was having pretty deep contractions but they dissipated on their own. She figured since she was going into the hospital this morning anyhow, no point in doing anything sooner.

This morning, I researched and completely freaked myself out about what can happen with GD. I was very worried for her, and waited to hear what happened at the hospital.

At 2pm, my mom called. Apparently, Shannon didn't even GO to the hospital! After fasting overnight, she woke up to find my brother had gone out somewhere and having no way to get to the hospital herself or anyone to look after Hayley, she decided to forget it and just have breakfast.

Maybe I'm a freak but I can't believe how non-chalant she is! Especially after the doctor explicitly gave her instructions to be at the hospital at 9am this morning. Ok, wasn't totally her but I would have hoped my brother had half a brain! They both make me so mad. They seem to take health so for granted and it just annoys me completely! I have had to fight for my health every step of the way, and have to take different medications every day just to be able to lead a normal life. It just completely baffles me how they can take such risks with this little baby!

Oh, I am just so angry right now. Of course, now she's not answering the phone, so either she's caught wind of my annoyance or she's sleeping.

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.
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