My brother's wedding in September, 1977
Powder Blue tuxes with frilly collars - $99.00 eachHaircuts at Bowls-R-Us - $4.99 each
Getting your brothers to dress up like chimps - A 2-4 each and a bottle of tequila.
Having your mother make your little sister's dress with matching piping - $25
Your little sister waiting until just the right time to post your picture on the internet (when your grandkids are old enough to know you are no longer the Fashion Prince, and for all your police buddies who have never seen your wedding shots) - priceless
Heh. Heh. Heh. Too bad I'm too old for a swirly now...
For the record, my brother's ages from left to right, 20, 15, 19 (the one getting married), 22.