October 15, 2005
Movin' On Up
Well, 15 hours of sleep seems to have improved the situation. I'm still sore but am back at a manageable level.

Thank you all so much for your very, very kind words. Must say I could feel the air getting a little dusty in here when I read them. It means a lot to know I have such good friends reading this.

Other good news included my friend who was visiting from out of town came to visit me here. We were supposed to meet at the hotel he was staying in for dinner but when he called and found out I was in no shape to go anywhere, he wasted no time in coming by. We had a good catchup and while I always enjoy his company, more than a couple hours always reminds me why we are just friends. The man has no social skills and seemed to feel the need to spent part of his time here clipping his nails and spitting his chewing tobacco into an old Coke can. I'm proud that he and I could forge a friendship after a tumultuous 4 year relationship, but at the same time, it will never be more. Aside from poor manners, he never got the concept of my 'one at a time' dating rule, and saw nothing wrong with picking up whomever was at the ball field when he was playing.

He's getting an award today from Softball BC for his role in setting up a new team in the league that went on to win the Provincials. I'm proud of him for taking the initiative and instead of being part of the problem, being part of the solution.

In shopaholic news, I've also purchased the new Ipod - 60GB model. While I bought the Nano just three weeks ago, I thought this was a great little thing. I'm a bit peeved at Apple to bring this out less than a month later, but I guess that's marketing. I would never have bought the Nano had I known this was so close behind. But I'll have use for both. The larger one shows video, and apparently allows you to download television shows.

I spent the morning in the park with my Photography class. I didn't expect to be able to go, but woke up today and felt good enough to do a couple hours. Filled a full 512MB disk and took over 200 shots which I'll be playing around with this afternoon and will attempt to begin a photoblog of some sort.

But for now, it's time to take it easy for a bit again.

Vancouver, British Columbia
A patriotic Canadian full of visions of a better Canada, random thoughts and a lot of hot air. Who am I? A struggling writer and photographer, who looks forward to a better Canada. I read. A lot. I learn. A lot. I push myself. A lot. The world is a small place, and getting smaller every day. I'm proud to have friends in every corner of the earth, and abide by the old adage that there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet.


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Turning thirty and a half
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  • The WeatherPixie